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Proceedings of the International Congress on Public Safety in a Diverse Society

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International Congress


Public Safety in a Diverse Society




International Conference




International Seminar Security in Diversity







19-22 October 2011



Twenty-first century societies are increasingly international, global, complex, diverse, technological and interconnected. The problems in any given community or city are increasingly international problems which affect us all on an international level and therefore, solutions also come from the international realm.


Diversity is not only a fact, but rather it is a paradigm more and more present in the management of organisations and public administrations which try to strengthen and establish the rule of law. Public safety is included in this reality and we are currently experiencing major enthusiasm in the field of studies and innovative experiences focusing of the aims of protecting and preserving the rights of each and every one. They are also seen as an opportunity to work on coexistence, integration and social development. The current economic climate has made public safety in a diverse society key in reaching one of mankind’s main aspirations: coexistence in diversity.


The effervescence of new methods in security and justice, along with the intrinsically global and technological character of our diverse society at this point in time make it an ideal moment to generate a joint international discussion and reflection in order to come to agreements on the type of protection of the rights of each and every one in our diverse society we want as well as the type of international collaboration.


This International Congress, along with the International Conference, aimed to analyse and reflect on how to understand and support each other in order to guarantee each and every one’s rights and reach one of man’s main aspirations: coexistence in diversity. It has done so by taking into account different professions, methods, cultures, and countries across the world.


In this sense, the Congress Programme, as well as programmes in parallel such as the International Conference and the “Security in Diversity” Seminar, has presented a unique opportunity to learn about and share a wealth of varied new research and experiences. It has also provided an opportunity for joint work at international level on public safety and justice focusing on social and cultural diversity as the transversal axis of our work.


Request a registration form






19 October, IE Universidad Segovia

16:00-17:00 Delivery of credentials

17:00 Inauguration

17:30-18:30 Inaugural conference


20 October, Madrid

Thematic Panels:

IE Business School

C/ María de Molina, 11


Panel 1. Police practices

Panel 2. Theory and practice of criminal research

Panel 3. Judicial and penitentiary systems

Panel 4. New technologies and citizens' participation

International Conference:


Working Group Meeting (Panel of experts, Mixed Commission, National Meetings Representatives)


Training Program Area: Presentation of Final Projects




Panels Applying Forensic Sciences to Public Safety

Organised by the Clínica Médico-Forense de la Comunidad de Madrid


Location of sessions:

Salón de Actos de los Juzgados de Madrid

Plaza de Castilla, 1.


9:00-10:30 Session 1.

11:00-12:30 Session 2.


21 October, Madrid

Thematic Panels:

IE Business School

C/ María de Molina, 11


Panel 5. Roles of non-police/judicial services

Panel 6. Vulnerable and at risk groups. Victimology

Panel 7. Governance and Organizational Change

Panel 8. Preventive practices and promotion of public safety

International Seminar on Innovative Practices in Public Safety

Closing of the Seminar.


Symposium 1. Non-Discriminatory Practices in Public Safety

Symposium 2. Community Governance in a Diverse Society

Symposium 3. "Homefulness". La protección del derecho universal al hogar" (in Spanish)


International Conference:

18:00-19:30 Final deliberations and drafting of the final Guidelines


Panels Applying Forensic Sciences to Public Safety

Organizado por la Clínica Médico-Forense de la Comunidad de Madrid

Location of sessions:


Salón de Actos de los Juzgados de Madrid

Plaza de Castilla, 1.


9:00-10:30 Session 3.

11:00-12:30 Session 4.


Sábado 22 October

Presentation of conclusions:

10:30-11:00 Congress conclusions and future lines of work.

11:00-12:00 Symposium conclusions

12:30-13:00 Conclusions of the International Conference

13:00-13:30 Conclusions of the Security in Diversity project


13:30- Closing ceremony



Other parallel activities:

• Social and cultural program

• Guided tour of Segovia




Oral communications:



All abstracts can be sent via e-mail to ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla ).


Abstracts must be no longer than 350 words. The official languages of all communication during the congress are English and Spanish.  Please specify whether the presentation is a poster or an oral presentation. Oral presentations should last no longer than 20 minutes (questions included).


The Scientific Committee will review the abstracts submitted for selection. We will consider that the person whose name appears first as author on the summary will be the speaker at the conference. Those who are accepted as attendees will be notified no later than the 30th of August 2011. The deadline for the final article (no more than 1000 words) is the 30th of September 2011. Selected articles will be included in the Congress Publication (with ISBN). No particular structure is imposed, but certain points such as the scientific purpose, contents quality, format and style must be respected.



The following points must be included in the summary:


  • Printed copy of registration form of at least one author  
  • Full names, institution and e-mail address of all authors  
  • Subject
  • Title (maximum 20 words)  
  • summary (maximum 350 words)  
  • Key words (maximum 5)
  • Subjects >(specify whether the presentation is theoretic or empirical):

1. Crime theories and investigation

2. Police methodology in crime prevention  

3. Police methodology in crime fighting and crime prevention  

4. Crime risk analysis  

5. Criminal investigation

6. Information and communication technologies  

7. Victimology

8. Rehabilitation of offenders and ex-convicts, penitentiary system  

9. Legal methodology  

10. The roles of other institutions  

11. The role of citizen participation

12. Management and organisation




Congress Newsletter



Keep updated about the activities and projects within the Public Safety Community Project in the run-up to the International Congress.


No. 01

No. 02

No. 03

No. 04

No. 05

No. 06

No. 07



Official collaborators:


    efus_logo     Universiteit_Groningen1    University_of_the_West_of_England1     sou-da-paz      movi_seg_para_todos      Ayuntamiento_Madrid       Polica_municipal_de_Madrid     CAM     Cuerpo_Nacional_de_Polica    corazn    NEDH          cicero