New experts and participants from different entities are joining the Study Groups for the symposia which will take place during the Congress. A Symposium is a meeting of experts who analyse a key issue needing to be addressed at international level, in order to define a series of guidelines or recommendations for all countries. There are already 3 proposed Symposia co-organized, together with our Public Safety Community Programme, by the following entities:


□ Good police practices for non discrimination of social and cultural diversity. Co-organised by the Open Society Justice Initiative.

□ The situation of the homeless: local problems, international solutions. Co-organised by Rais (European FEANTSA network invited)

□ Needs and guidelines for community governance. Co-organised by Wijkaanpak office, City of Amsterdam.

As an expert or entity, if you are interested in participating in or co-organising a symposium, or if you have another proposal, contact us soon (end of August at the latest).

Many thanks to all the co-organisers and participants in the Study Group.